Alpha Eagle Security

best security guard companies in Solvang & Ballard, CA

Get your peace of mind back by hiring guards from one of the best security guard companies in Solvang & Ballard, CA

At the moment, having peace of mind is crucial for living a happy life. You cannot do anything in life until you have the correct mindset. With the increased rate of crime, having professional security protection from a reputable security guard company is now essential to obtaining peace of mind.

Alpha Eagle Security (AES) is one of the best security guard companies in Solvang & Ballard, CA, that offers highly professional security protection to clients. The guards hired by the company are all BSI certified, and thus clients can try the quality of service provided by AES. Our guards are highly proactive and committed to their job. We keep working on improvising our security techniques. And so, you will find that all our guards are equipped with space-age security gadgets and also have the ability to operate any new advanced security gadgets. They are sensible as well as quick learners. Besides, to train our guards meticulously, we organize various training programs such as crowd control management, intellectual development programs, rapid decision-making skills, power drills, and many more. Therefore, the guards are highly skilled to offer top-quality security service to the clients. Most importantly, before providing security protection to any premise, we evaluate the layout of the clientโ€™s premises, calculate all the sensitive areas of the client’s premises, and calculate the risk percentage associated with the clients. After thorough analysis of the client premises, AES moves forward to position security guards as per the security plan to ensure absolute security protection of the client premises.ย  While dealing with vagabonds and trespassers, our guards keep a balanced approach.

We are highly attentive to the needs of the clients, and only after consulting their needs and security preferences do we offer them the right security solutions. Our guards stay on their toes to prevent threats, and they donโ€™t hesitate to take affirmative steps to protect the safety of the clients.

The truth is that we constantly change our methods and tools to satisfy the changing demands of modern security. As a result, our security solutions are precise and up-to-date. Some of the newest technology that our guards use extensively to deliver security services without error include CCTV cameras, GPS monitoring systems, radio transmitters, mobile devices, scanning machines, metal detectors, flashlights, audio deterrent appliances, automatic sanitizers, infrared thermometers, and RFID tags.
Our security personnel are always on the lookout for unusual activity on the designated property. To guarantee total safety, they inspect all of the area’s weak points or blind spots. The truth is that our guards receive such thorough training that they are able to sense impending danger.

Therefore, if you are searching for one of the best security guard companies in Solvang & Ballard, CA, then contact us ASAP.

For more information click: or contact: +1 (800) 482 -2532

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